Powerful Message For Kids Authored by 12-Year Old

Jack's Book Cover

Jack James

Today I am helping out my 12 year old friend, Jack James. I met him and his mother Ann at Author 101 University in Los Angeles a ways back. Although he has a learning disability, this didn’t thwart him from standing up and talking in front of a crowd of 150+ people. It was brave!

Anyways, he wrote a book (published just a couple days ago so it’s hot off the press) for kids, and I’d like to tell you about it!

His kid-to-kid book is the story of how he overcame being bullied and his learning disability. He explores how he started his own business and encourages other kids to do the same.

You see, Jack is on a mission. He wants to rid the world of bullies and fill it with kid entrepreneurs! He wants to arm kids with bully-proof self-esteem so when they run into people who put them down, they can stand up and say, “Enough!” Cool huh!? 😉

His story of inspiration would be great for many young people.

Don’t you agree that we need to teach our kids life skills so they can survive in any economy?

My goal (& others by doing their part) are trying to spread his story of courage and perseverance.

Jack’s other goal is to become a best-selling author, so with my help and hopefully yours, he’ll reach this milestone!

If you know a kid who is age 7 – 13 (maybe your own or perhaps you know of another young person) who could benefit from words of encouragement and needs to be empowered to be great, this would be a perfect gift!

For the cost of 2 Starbucks cups of coffee (you’re kidding me right!?), you can help make my friend Jack’s dream come true!

Check it out: http://tinyurl.com/12-year-old-author

Eric is a 3-time #1 international bestselling author, book publishing shepherd & book launch strategist. His experience in digital and print publishing began in the late 90's and he's helped literally thousands of struggling content creators (whether they are business professionals, entrepreneurs, consultants or coaches), navigate the often-confusing publishing process and shorten the time it takes to become a published author. More specifically, Eric helps experts from all industries who want to make an impact, by transforming their message into a bestselling book.

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