Article Marketing is an extremely powerful method to help promote and market your book. Once written, submitting to a variety of mediums on the internet can increase your exposure and attract readers and potential buyers/customers.
Writing good quality content articles starts with writng a catchy headline. This’ll grab the attention of the reader and encourage them to read it as well as pass it on and recommend it to their friends. Social media plays a large part in this as once a reader is attracted to your article, they’ll tend to tell their friends and their friends will tell their friends. These results can increase exponentially.
What are folks looking for on the internet? Information, and information in the form of articles. After you’ve submitted several articles, search engines will start indexing them. References to your articles will start showing up more and website owners will start using and recommending you and or your articles.
The most effective articles will not just grab the attention of the reader because it has good content (it’s answering the reader’s question by providing a solution) but it should also highlight the benefits. You’ll win the readers attention, and begin to build trust and credibility in their mind.
Your articles should have signature boxes at the end so that any reader who wishes to learn more will know where to look – your website or dedicated book website.
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