How To Add a Video Trailer to Your Book’s Amazon Product Detail Sales Page

How To Add a Video Trailer to Your Book's Amazon Product Detail Sales Page

(c) Eric Van Der Hope –

Sometime back in mid 2018, Amazon added a feature to the Amazon Product Detail Sales Pages called: “Related Video Shorts” where video trailers or video testimonials could be uploaded. At that time, not all product detail page listings were given this capability. You’d know if this feature was activated for your listing if you see something on your Book Sales Page like what you see in the image below:

Take the following steps to upload your video:

Step 1: Click on “Upload Your Video”. You’ll be requested to select your video via upload and/or Drag-and-Drop (see image below).

When you attempt to upload your video, your computer will open up a dialog box to search for the video you’d like to upload.

Step 2: Search and then choose the file you’d like to upload by clicking on ‘Open’ (see image below).

Step 3: Wait for video to upload (see image below).

Step 4: After you’ve uploaded the video, add a Title for the video, then confirm that the book you are uploading the video for is the right one, and then decide on the appropriate thumbnail image you’d like to use (see image below).

If you’d like to use a different image, scroll over the thumbnail image and you’ll be prompted to choose another thumbnail.

Step 5: Click on the gold ‘Submit’ button.

Once the video has been submitted, your video will be processed and reviewed for compliance with Amazon’s Community Guidelines. The length of the processing time depends much on the size of the video file (see image below).

Step 6: Once the file has been processed, it’ll go into review. This process can take anywhere from an hour up to 12 hours or so (see image below).

Step 7: After the video file has been reviewed and approved, it’ll take up to 48 hours for it to publish to your Amazon Book Product Detail Sales Page (see image below).

Step 8: Click on “published here” and you’ll have the ability to see your published video (see image below).

At any time, you have the ability to view and manage your videos by going to:

If you have questions about this process, or would like to share your experience with how this method worked or not, feel free to share in the comment section below.

If you like this tip, you’ll find additional resources (and answers to your book publishing questions) within my Facebook Group.

The name of the Facebook Group is: “Publishing Made Simple”

…and if you see value in this article, make sure to share it with your network of friends – thank YOU! 🙂

Eric is a 3-time #1 international bestselling author, book publishing shepherd & book launch strategist. His experience in digital and print publishing began in the late 90's and he's helped literally thousands of struggling content creators (whether they are business professionals, entrepreneurs, consultants or coaches), navigate the often-confusing publishing process and shorten the time it takes to become a published author. More specifically, Eric helps experts from all industries who want to make an impact, by transforming their message into a bestselling book.

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